Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lady Gaga....

...seriously, if I could talk to you, Lady Gaga, first of all I would call you by your real name. Life isn't a big virtual reality video game where you can choose a screen name. We should have something to call you that doesn't make us giggle or want to puke. Secondly, I would scold you for admitting to a national publication that you intend on doing drugs again to boost your creativity!!!! Are you aware that young girls are heavily influenced by your every move? Do you care? Nope? That's what I thought. And when you dress yourself in meat to protest, there are many hard working ranchers who labored with difficult conditions to produce that good FOOD you're wasting to make your "look-at-me" cry for attention. It makes me want to eat meat even MORE! I get the fact you're talented. I also understand that you're wasting it being a freak and gathering fans (mostly young girls) to follow in your foot steps. Shame on you! Seriously! Shame on you! Fame has a responsibility. Be a positive leader!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ten days!

Just ten days til our wedding. I get asked all of the time..."how are you? are you nervous?" There's actually never been a point in my life when I've felt more calm.
I just have to remember to pack everything in the car when we leave for the wedding...there will be no just running home...the wedding is in rural Lincoln County. LOL
I think everything will be just fine.
Check out our wedding website at

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The fourth! Just one month to go!

I have exactly one month from today until our wedding! Just about everything is done from here on out....there are last minute things. I think you never really count on how much money you could be spending on those last minute things. I'm sure nothing will be perfect and I'm trying hard NOT to become bridezilla but there are some things that are bothering me. Like the RSVP....I gave my guests TWO options on how to do this......choice is good, right? a phone number OR our website
So it didn't occur to me that people wouldn't read the invitation and just toss it aside. There was no reply card for a reason, I didn't want all of those coming back to my very inadequate and often "high" mailman to try and get into the correct box (we have those little community boxes like in college). So I included the RSVP info on the invitation (saved paper too....economical and GREEN). Oh well. I guess people just don't pay attention, read or have manners anymore. Personally, because of my etiquette minded Aunt, I got manners pounded into my personality, my upbringing and deep into my soul! For the love of Jesus, you just didn't behave accordingly because if you just didn't know, you were about to learn! LOL
I've heard rumors that at similar weddings in this family, 100-something RSVPed and nearly 400 showed up. It's maddening! Seriously! The stress could bend metal that has "sploded" in my little head. I'm learning to breathe deeply and try and chill. It's hard. I sometimes want to scream but all in all, it is exactly one month away. I will survive this and sometimes look back on it all and laaaaaaaaaaaugh! right? :)

Monday, July 26, 2010


I am about five weeks away from being married and the wedding stress has officially turned me crazy. Nuttier than a squirrel....I feel like...well, not myself! Things are coming together but it's killing me. Is this normal? I'm hoping that someone will post that it is.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I love the Fourth of July! I love to see the stores with red, white and blue decorations, t-shirts, the bbq displays, an abundance of hot dog buns on the store means we're getting ready to really have a good time, we're getting ready to party. I had no idea what was in store for me the evening of July 4th, 2008.
I had spent the day on top of the Peak vehicle (sister radio station with Tammy Oakland) in the Monument parade. My little girl was with her grandparents in North Carolina so I was totally alone. I decided to call a guy I had been on a couple of dates with...Chad. He answered and I expected to just talk...he invited me to a dance with him that night. "I'll meet you there", I told him. "No, No I'll meet you in the parking lot of the Fuel B in Ellicott off Highway 94". "Ok, I say", and I quickly threw on some jeans, boots, perfume, brushed my hair and I was off. Driving out past some of the farms and fields, I'm starting to think....uh, what am I doing?
Well, I met him there and we drove and drove and drove so far EAST that I thought he was taking me home to Oklahoma. He drove dozens of dozens of miles to come and get me to take me to his home town of Karval, CO. It was a fourth of July dance in the garage of the fire station. There was a local musician, kids, dogs, older people, younger people, dads dancing with daughters, moms and sons, cousins etc. I was hooked. I was so taken that he would drive all that way, risk inviting me into his life a short month after meeting. It worked and from that moment on we've not been apart. That night we danced and danced. I felt so alive! So Chad wants our first song at our wedding reception to be Brad Paisley's "We Danced".

NOW, you know why I LOVE the fourth of July. Bring on the Fireworks! All kinds of them!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

11 miles and a seven year old....

"Are we there yet?", didn't hear that....."I'm tired!", didn't hear that either.
Over the weekend my seven year old and I went on an 11 mile bike ride in 95 degree heat. We rode down to Springs Spree, a local park festival, because I had to work for the station on Saturday. Anyway, with parking being difficult we decided to make a day of it and brave it on the bikes. Chad picked us up in the truck later and took home the bikes. It was fun, and an adventure. We stopped for water when we needed to. We stopped to have the lunch I had packed for us. We crossed carefully with traffic and she listened well. It's good to teach kids that cars haven't always been around. It was amazing to see how much you really notice when you're not stuck in an air conditioned car with the windows up. You take in smells you'd never smell. You see little details about neighborhoods, flowers, people working in their yards, broken fences, fences being fixed, dogs barking, cats in see the world. Every now and then it's not a bad thing to go back to the simple things. We're getting away from the little things, and those things can bring us joy if we seize the opportunity to let them!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Traffic and other thoughts

When did people start running late to everything? I say this as some jerk sat behind me fuming at the fact I was in the right lane AND obeying the construction zone speed limit. He was swerving back and worth, right on my bumper and jamming his fist on his steering wheel. As if this action was like a magic button that would make the old lady in front of him step on it.
With all of the convenience gadgets and devices in our world to make it easier, why it is increasingly more difficult for folks to cope? We don't iron anymore, wrinkle-free clothes are a god-send. There's five minutes you get back in the morning. You can get news text alerts delivered right to your phone, Coffee literally makes itself with new single cup coffee makers. My point is there are so many amazing things to make it easy and happy for mankind...and mankind is NOT happy. Why?
It's not only that people aren't happy, they're unusually cranky. Ok, let's see the economy could take some of the blame, the oil spill in the Gulf brings us terrible images of sick wildlife and people are losing their livelihood, a lot of folks are not happy with the leadership of the country...but does it really need to be exasperated with angry moodiness inappropriately displaced on others?
So get over yourself! Deal with it! And treat others with respect and kindness, it's not their fault you're in an unfortunate mood. Remember....what you put out there will come back to you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fly fishin and more...

Back from a wonderful vacation to the Ozarks, I did NOT want to leave. Our family packed the car like gypsies and headed East last week to Branson, Missouri. My aunt has a home there and invited us to come and stay. The winding hills, lush green trees and grass and cold, clear streams and waterways were unbelievable!! It was incrediably pleasant. The weather was gorgeous too. It was a little humid but I pulled the crazy curly hair back in a ponytail, put on a hat and dealt with it. If you ever get a chance to go to must ride a Duck, an old Army vehicle that goes on land AND in the water. Our little girl loved the "duck", little giggles and squeels of joy came pouring out of her. My aunt always hosts with greatness too! She authored a cookbook so you can imagine the eats are good! Really good!!! We canoed in a small private lake, hiked and learned to fly fish. I did NOT want to leave! It was a wonderful experience. We're planning next year's trip back!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So I put away the fleece...

..actually, if you live in Colorado you know that's not true but rather wishful thinking. It's finally getting warmer! Today, it's going to be sunny and 67 and it doesn't get much better than that. I will, at last, put my tomato and pepper plants in the ground. I will walk barefooted in my grass, I will soak up the sun on recession beach.....(uh, my deck) and enjoy it, that is until next week. That's when we could be digging out the snow boots. Naw, I'm kidding of course but it IS Colorado. It's where you can experience three seasons in twelve short hours.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Crock Pot, how I love thee....

There's nothing better than putting a big hunk of meat in a big pot add a few ingredients and let it cook. Coming home to the smell of crock pot wonder is a wonder in itself. If you don't have a slow cooker, you should really consider getting one. Here's why, it took me about four minutes to assemble a complete dinner for my family of three tonight. Roast, two cups of broth, three onions, four potatoes, a pinch of garlic, some basil, peppercorns and a beer. Set it on low or warm and leave. Come home later to wonderful, home cooked goodness. The whole meal probably only costs me about seven dollars. It will last for two meals, at least. I love my crock pot. This is my thought of the day. It saves me time and money, two things that are very precious today.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Let 'em eat cake"

Oh, boy. Oh boy. I just wanted a chocolate cake for my wedding with chocolate icing....not traditional, I know but I don't care for cake much to start with so there has to be something to hook me. This was met with some opposition. In the end we decided it wasn't worth having words over, however I just have to draw the line at eating YEAR old cake (YUCK) on our one year anniversary. That's just nasty. And I'd much rather the extra cake go to the guests.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My favorite things...

You'll remember the song if you ever saw "The Sound of Music", I recently thought, what would my favorite things be...? We all have things we love and here are a few and why.

Spring grass right after a rain on bare feet, the smell of coffee in the morning and of course it always tastes better in a chair on the porch watching the sunrise. I love bluegrass music for its simplicity and tradition. I love big band music too. There's Greek food..good BBQ and very cold beer, not necessarily together. A ride on a four-wheeler, a horseback ride on a relaxed and laid back horse. A trip to a museum that I never appreciated but now do. Seeing an old friend and seeing them with the happiness they deserve. Fresh, hot sourdough bread when I'm sick and knowing that Fiance Chad will know that. The way my eyes look when I wear plum eye shadow, the way my running shoes make me feel sporty and cool. Catching just the right moment to take a wonderful photo. Having Hannah hand me something new for her art gallery. Listening to her learn guitar. And my favorite things list could go on and on....but "these are a few of my favorite things".

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Is this what they eat in prison?..."

...I heard this come out of the mouth of my sassy seven year old daughter. When her grandmother visits it's always cookies and ice cream at every meal. I'm totally surprised dessert hasn't been introduced at BREAKFAST for heaven's sake. So when Grandma leaves there are tears and complaints of NOT wanting to eat the meal I've prepared for the family. I am NOT a short order cook. I do NOT believe in asking the child what they'd like for dinner. They eat what we eat...end of story. We make it a habit of drinking ice water or tea without sugar. We limit the sugar and fat as much as possible. That being said...I'm not against cooking with a little fat every now and then, I am, afterall from Oklahoma. But the recent whines had become too much.
Finally one night at dinner, Fiance Chad told the "little" that we could eliminate meat for an entire week. Chad is the son of a cattle rancher and loves beef, it's what's for dinner after all. Han loves meat too....loves it.
So on night TWO of "No Meat" week...she asks "Is this what they eat in prison?"
Wish us luck...we have two more nights of this.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wh What?

Call me old fashioned! I can take it.
It's ok.
I don't claim to be hip and cool anyway, after all I have a daughter I'll need to embarass soon as she becomes a teen.
So the grandmother (not my Mother) is visiting and took my "little" who is seven, to get a, plain girl fun right? Well, they came home to present their beautiful hands....Grandma wearing ballerina pink and grandCHILD wearing RED HOT hooker, porn star RED!!!!!!!!!! eeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk woooonggg woooonggg That is the sound of my head spinning around backward and my eyes popping out (wh-wooga wh-wooga).
The response I got was....."she wanted green...or I said YES to red" . Ok, how about a little NO every now and then? It didn't hurt me! I heard NO NO NO all the time....I also heard the non-commital "we'll see" which you know means NO.
I think Nancy Reagan said it best...."JUST say NO!"